Ilex Studio

Ilex are an innovative design studio that champion the beauty of the environment through nature-inspired creations. Born and based in London, the brand emerged from the vision of two local designers who sought to bridge the gap between humans and nature through thoughtfully designed products. Since its establishment, the studio has been on a mission to inspire individuals to appreciate and interact with nature in their daily lives.

Their standout product: the Avocado Vase, embodies Ilex's unique approach to design. Specifically crafted to house avocado seeds, these wonderful vases turn the process of germination into a visual spectacle. Each piece is a fusion of science and art, demonstrating the brand's commitment to design with purpose and creativity. These aren't just vases, they're conversation pieces that inspire an appreciation for nature's processes. In doing so they captivate and educate, regardless of age. It's this emphasis on wonder and innovation that makes Ilex a brand we admire and champion here at List of Goods; one that not only caters to the design-savvy but also to those who are passionate about the natural world around us.